Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What I was doing 5 years ago...

I was in the Marines, deployed to Afghanistan.
I'm 3rd from the left, 2nd row standing.







Wendy Maybury said...

Thanks for serving!!!

You are a hero!

Anonymous said...

That is great! Thanks for serving!

I saw your comment on the Pioneer Woman website. I bought a D40 and now wish I had purchased a D80. I wanted to tell you why so you don't make the same mistake I did. If you want any lenses in addition to the standard ones - like the lens that creates "bokeh" from Miz Booshay's earlier posts - it is the Nikkor f/1.8. Well, Nikon made this lens for $130 but it only works on the D80 and above cameras. You can't use it on the D40. You can buy the new f/1.4 lens, but it costs $440! $300 more, so you might as well get the better camera. I'm trying to sell my D40 now. Just thought I would let someone else know. TTYL
(photo #13 on the PW webpage "hamsterbabies")